Equity-free incubator for early stage startups in CEE

We support & transform your ideas into viable go-to-market products or services.

2 verticals: Health & Open Innovation

30.000 EUR total prizes & benefits

All-in-one workbook to shape your business

Who’s supporting us:

Let’s take your idea to the next level

Learn how to be an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship can be confusing. We’ll help you get clarity on your potential, current skills and what you need to do to reach your goals.

We’ll do that through workshops and masterclasses, where you’ll learn how to model your business, set up the pricing for your products, market them successfully and have the right mindset along your journey.

If you are from any of these countries - Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia, Rep. Moldova or Romania, you are eligible to apply for Future Makers.

Earn your first investment

You know you became an entrepreneur when you pitch for your first investment.

We offer a total of 15.000 EUR prizes for the best start-ups and the possibility to expand on that amount after the investment pitches. Besides the prizes, we have a total of 15.000 EUR in benefits from our global partners.

Find your tribe

You’ll do greater things with the right people beside you. Get feedback, meet new people and learn from the ones who have already succeeded or failed.

You’ll interact with peers from other 45 start-ups, 70 international mentors & experts, and over 200 alumni.

What else you’ll get

At the end of the program, no matter the results, all the participants to Future Makers will receive the all-in-one workbook. This will help you build upon any business idea in the future.

Business Model Canvas

You’ll learn how to create value to your customers and you’ll be able to replicate the process for any new business idea using this template.

One Pager Template

Any pitch, no matter how you deliver it, is based on a one pager. We live in a digital world and you’ll need it to present your business briefly via email or chats when talking won’t be possible.

Business Plan

Working with goals means translating “I want to get 3 clients” into “I will contact 10 new brand managers by the end of November to win 3 clients.” At the end of the program, you’ll get a plan for your business and you’ll be able to create one from scratch.

Pitch Deck

Learn how to create a compelling presentation to pitch your business plan to investors. Creating a pitch deck will help you transform your business plan into a real deal for investors.

Future Trends Report

A short future trends report is a brief document that draws on current market research and analysis to predict emerging technologies, consumer preferences, market growth rates, major players, and other factors that will shape the industry's future.

Elevator Pitch

We know it’s hard to explain the value of your business in 30 seconds. That’s why, we’ll show you how to do it and we’ll give a template to use anytime you need to pitch an idea..

Timeline for 2023 Edition

May - Sep 2023

Future Makers Health

Start-up characteristics:

Mission-driven: improving people's health and wellbeing, while also creating economic opportunities.

Application Period: March - May 2023


May - Sep 2023

Open Innovation

Future Makers Open Innovation

Start-up characteristics:

Tech-driven: exploring new technological innovations through business development.

Application Period: March - May 2023

Why is Future Makers so awesome?

PAST Editions






INCUBATed teams





1st - Economic & Social development
at Gala Societății Civile 2022
Romania National Finalists 2020 Central European Startup Awards

What other participants say: